My partner Carolina and I have decided that we really want to incorporate the concept of books and reading. We fell in love with reading over the pandemic and have a strong connection to different works. We want to focus on what we know and what we can invest ourselves in, so we came up with the concept of books and writing. Our idea came quite literally out of nowhere. We conversed back and forth about how we can incorporate anything related to reading, so we came up with this: A teenage protagonist who has a passion for writing. We are still debating on what the plot is and how we want to develop it, but we have a base idea.
We believe that this concept will go well with the coming-of-age genre because we want to convey the message that the protagonist is mentally running away from her problems, creating an evident character vs. self situation. Coming-of-age has to be strategic enough that the audience can automatically have the inference of what the rest of the film will consist of.
The planning is a work in progress but it is getting there. Next step is grasping a genuine understanding of the coming-of-age genre and figuring out how we want to reveal our message through our film opening.
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